email alerts

Everyday, millions of people get distracted by their newest e-mail.

Bing. Pop up. Better check that message.

Research shows that the majority of employees react to an e-mail within six seconds of it arriving. That’s fast. It’s the same amount of time that it takes for a phone to ring three times.[1] We are compulsively reading and responding to every message as soon it comes in.


And not when it best suits us.


E-mail alerts (notifications, beeps and badges) are distracting little suckers. They create addiction and fuel the widespread misuse and overuse of email seen in workplaces today.

Here’s how:


In the 1950’s, a psychologist named B.L Skinner taught a rat to gamble.[2]

He placed a rat in a box that had a light and a lever. Whenever the rat pressed the lever in response to the light, it was rewarded with a food pellet.

Light equals food. Therefore light is good!

If the light was steady and continuous, the rat would eat its food and go away. Yet if the light was random or irregular, it would stay and compulsively press the lever again and again. Even when it wasn’t hungry. Just for the rush.

Now fast forward 60 years into the digital world. The box is the workplace. Desktop alerts flash across the screens of employees, bringing shiny new emails as a reward. Lights. Sounds. At random intervals. All through the day.

Now guess who’s the rat?

E-mail alerts condition our behaviour. We receive a cue and react to receive a reward. Over time, this behaviour gets stronger. More alerts. More emails. Less boredom. More stimulation. We start craving constant connection. We seek more! We want more!!

Microsoft Outlook and other e-mail programs intentionally create addictive behaviour by insisting on desktop alerts and beeps. Even the most disciplined worker, over time, is likely to develop compulsive email behaviours when faced with a constant barrage of desktop notifications.


Enter the brain of a gambling rat and you’ll notice something interesting. It produces an unbalanced amount of the addictive neurotransmitter Dopamine.

Dopamine is a powerful drug that causes you to desire, seek out, and search. Created in the brain, it fuels motivation and stimulates goal-oriented behaviour.[3] It can also be highly addictive when released during gambling, drinking, smoking … and emailing.

Email alerts create the perfect environment for such addiction. This is because Dopamine is triggered by anticipation of a reward (I.e. an incoming e-mail,) is stimulated by unpredictability (I.e. random timing of e-mails) and is sensitive to ‘cues’ that a reward is coming (I.e. desktop alerts).

Harvard Medical School researcher Dr. John Ratey compares the sensations of getting a new e-mail message to those produced by narcotics:[4]

It creates a dopamine squirt, being connected. It turns on our attention system, and we love to be attending to something all the time.

Although less severe than other addictions, the arrival of an e-mail beep releases a hit of dopamine that brings about pleasure. Like other addictions, people report withdrawal symptoms and a loss of control when disconnected from their e-mail.


So how do you avoid becoming a gambling rat or a dopamine addict? Simply turn off your email alerts (notifications, beeps and badges).

To find out more about healthy e-mail processing habits, contact us about Email Ninja training or coaching services.

Maybe you could also benefit from a Digital Detox.

Are you addicted to e-mail?

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)
  1. Jackson, T., Dawson, W. and Wilson, D. (2003), Understanding e-mail interaction increases organizational productivity. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 46 No. 8:80-84.
  2. Zangeneh, M., Blaszczynski, A. and Turner, N. (2008). In the pursuit of winning: problem gambling theory, research and treatment. Springer-Verlag New York Inc, New York, pp. 65-68.
  3. Weinschenk, S. (2012). Why we’re all addicted to texts, Twitter and Google. Retrieved from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/brain-wise/201209/why-were-all-addicted-texts-twitter-and-google
  4. Hallowell, E. and Ratey, J. (2006) Delivered from distraction: getting the most our of life with attention deficit disorder. Ballantine Books, New York.

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